In 1961, Rui Nabeiro founded Delta Cafés, a successful brand in Portugal and worldwide; an example of pioneering spirit, innovation, entrepreneurship and, above all, the symbol of a land - Campo Maior in Alentejo, Portugal. From the second half of the 1970s, Delta Cafés’ business structure was decisively consolidated, which in 1984 resulted in the separation of the commercial operation developed by the Manuel Rui Azinhais Nabeiro company from the industrial operation developed by Novadelta S.A. The need for diversification resulted in the formation of 25 companies across a wide range of sectors: Industry, services, trade, agriculture, property, hospitality and distribution, organised according to strategic areas. Since its foundation, Delta has been based on solid values and principles that are reflected in the creation of a compassionate brand founded on genuine relationships. Simply put, we believe in people, and through people we give our best every day in every sector in which we do business.

Delta Cafés Nabeiro Group: Mission and Values
Our mission is to respond to the real demands of customers/markets, aiming for total consumer loyalty and satisfaction. This goal is reached via a responsible business model based on the creation and sharing of values.
Mission and Values
We share the principles expressed in the United Nations Global Compact and our business development is guided by transparent, principled and compassionate practices, and we expect the same attitude from our partners.
Delta’s performance is guided by participation in various social causes, aiming to contribute to its sustainable growth.
We are not in favour of immediate benefits that compromise the company’s sustainable growth. We recognise the need to ensure a sustainable, long-term financial return through a process of responsible innovation and investment, and to advance the brand’s internationalisation process.
One of our priorities is to implement a culture of innovation and shared knowledge, based on the principles of sustainable design and energy efficiency, that fosters competitiveness and ensures our leadership in the markets in which we operate. Our management model values entrepreneurial ability and the spirit of continuous improvement.
Humility is intrinsic and reflected in our informal working environment and the day-to-day relationships among employees.
We advocate the disclosure of accurate, clear and transparent information that always corresponds to factual reality.
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